Some days it seems like this is pretty much all I think about. I keep looking around and wondering why no one is rocking. Did they forget...
Counting Crows mytholigize their America in 'Somewhere Under Wonderland'
--By Tzarathustra-- Having listened to the new Counting Crows album several times today it seems that the band took my advice and made a...

10 Neglected Songs from the Forgotten 90s
--Compiled by Tzarathustra-- As a connoisseur of 90's alternative music, I'm always coming across lists with titles like "12 Forgotten...

A Quick Remembrance of Shannon Hoon and Blind Melon
--By Tzarathustra-- I watched the Blind Melon DVD Live at the Metro earlier today and noticed that lead singer Shannon Hoon has pretty...
WOODSTOCK '94 Time Capsule
In 1994 the internet was just beginning to seep into public consciousness. But in August of that year volunteers set up a tent filled...

The Postal Service: A Brief Chronology of Musical Ecstasies
I guess it was 2003. Certainly doesn’t seem that long ago but thinking back I was definitely still in college and the shelving...

Joe Henry: Invisible Hour (A lot of presence but no soul)
Joe Henry’s music has long been marked by depth, maturity, and elegance. All of which holds true on his new record Invisible Hour. What...

FUTURE NEWS- Election 2016: MTV Host their 1st Presidential Debate
October 3rd 2016: The 2016 election season is officially past its sell-by date as last night marked the first ever MTV Presents RealiVote...

Playlist #3: Nineteen-ninety FUN!
--By Tzarathustra & YLD-- After several weeks away, my head is finally back home in the 90s. It was the above featured song that did it....
Playlist #2: Heavy Metal and Outer Space
--By Tzarathustra-- As is so often the case with me, my era specific obsession is begining to metstasize. My late 60s acid rock phase is...