In Jack White v/ Black Keys: Let the Rock do the Talking
In a difficult turn for scandal hounds and celebrity ambulance chasers the feud between Jack White and The Black Keys is now laid to rest...
Novelty is Nothing, Novelty is Everything
Novelty carries a lot of weight in the world of music. We live in the now and want to feel connected to the present. But art and culture...
Neko Case and Kelly Hogan Stirring up the Nerd Nest
Premiering this morning on here, Neko Case and Kelly Hogan unvelied their contribution to the charity album 2776. With a...

Where Aren't They Now (Fictional Life Updates #1)
Jim Morrison's Later Years: The former Doors lead singer never quite recovered from the loss of reputation that followed his poorly...

Playlist #1: The Big LP's Psychedelic Blues
--By Tzarathustra-- It always starts so simply. I just throw on a song or two by some band just to check something guitar-related or some...
The Notwist: Better than their Best
Over the years Munich Germany’s The Notwist have grown from noisy post-hardcore, through techno experimentation, into a sort of warm-hued...
Multilayered Melancholy From Conor Oberst
UPSIDE DOWN MOUNTAIN by Conor Oberst --review by Tzarathustra-- Conor Oberst and I had a stable relationship where he released Bright...

Veruca Salt Rock Like it's 1994
Veruca Salt appeared this week on Conan O’brien’s show. Ahhhh… There is something almost medicinal about typing up some good news that...
Un Chien Andalou + Godspeed You Black Emperor
The story of a Surrealist Sync-up When I was about twenty-one I discovered what a lot of twenty-one year old's discover, how much...
Adore into Dreams
A bit of '90s nostalgia to kick things off. First I'll tell you about Crave. A certain type of 90's kid will know what I'm talking about....